Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Holidays till 29 June!

AH...finally some time to relax..Time to meet up with friends..So many things to do in just one month of holiday.

From 23-31 may 2009, Lots of my time will be contributed to watching Britain's got talent 2009 semi-finals and finals. I've been catching it since episode 1 and cant wait for it to end! There's so many talented people out and the show is so amazing..you can find it off youtube if you wanna see it =) My personal favourites now is flawless, sue son(eliminated yesterday), 2 grand and aiden davis. Susan Boyle's great too but i think it doesn't really matter whether she wins or not cuz she's already famous and well known. She made it to the final this saturday though. May the best talent wins!

Besides Britain's got talent, i've been watching lots of shows. I'm catching on Full metal alchemist brotherhood which only comes out once a week since it's super new. The anime's great so far but i'm addicted to the opening theme song - yui-again -. It's a damn freaking good song, you should go listen to it. =D

Well, of course i'm not going to spend all my time watching videos..it gets boring when you have nothing to do at home. Anyways this week, i'm meeting quite a number of friends and hopefully teachers as well..really miss them. =)

From 11-14 June, I'll probably be attending a buddhist camp just to learn something new and hopefully make some new friends. 22 -29 june i think i'll be meeting with friends who will be returning from UK and hopefully have a nice PM7 gathering =)

I really wanna put this holiday in good use since after that i'll have 6 months of sem 3 with hardly any breaks at all. In between all this holiday, I do hope i can do my bit for charity as well. On the 31st may, I'll most probably be attending the relay for life and sometime in august for the 30 hour famine. Besides that, SPCA needs more help than ever after their efforts to save the animals from Pulau Ketam. SPCA would greatly appreciate if you could donate and help them out any way possible. Please head on to their website http://www.spca.org.my/v51/. Please support them! I think they really need fosterers so if you can please head on to SPCA. If you need transport to SPCA and live near me..then feel free to call me up. I'll gladly drive you over to SPCA =)

Oh well, these are my current plans for my holidays for now. Hope i can fully utilise my holiday though. =) Tomorrow I'm going badminton! if i can wake up >.<

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Exams finally over..

Just finished my exams yesterday..Results out in 10 days time. X_X After the exams, I felt so empty cuz i've been studying and studying and now my schedule is all empty. Anyways, I'm kinda happy everything's over and I really hope I pass(I'm damn freaking worried). After the exams, I was thinking of what I wanted to do most. Was it hanging out with friends? No. Was it playing games till your hearts content? No. Was it surfing the internet 24/7? No.

The only thing that came across my mind was spending time with my family..=( I hardly spent a single time with them whenever they go out even 4 weeks prior to my exam period. Really glad to have such a supportive family..=)

Besides that..It's time for me to do what I love most..Voluntary work! There are so many charitable events coming up I cant wait to join them. =) Take care everyone! and Happy Holidays!